Feature Friend of Ximula Sail - JOLIE

Hey Sailors!!

It’s inspiration time again! This week, we’d like to introduce you to one of our dear friends from our #happysailors community - Meet Jolie!


Hi jolie! Please introduce yourself, and how did you get to know about our Friends of Ximula Sail sunset cruise?

Hello, my name is Jolie, and I got to know about Ximula Sail’s sunset cruise when I was working at ONE15 Marina and helped out during the Singapore Yacht Show in 2018. I thought the open sunset cruise was a very affordable deal and decided to purchase a set for myself and ended up bringing my friends along as well!


How was your experience on board our sunset cruise? 

It exceeded my expectations! I was initially worried that it was going to be awkward being on a yacht full of strangers. However, Minqi and her crew always starts every cruise with the fisherman’s handshake and a self-introduction, which lightened the mood and helped everyone to loosen up because no one can ever keep a straight face while doing the fisherman’s handshake haha


What do you do for a living, and How did you get involved in what you are doing? 

I’m currently working as a Childcare Teacher. How I got into this line was a series of major transitions. I started my career life as a journalist, heading the fashion department for an online magazine. I appreciated the experiences it gave me, but I didn’t feel fulfilled in the job. After that, I ventured into HR and Marketing. The job scope was enjoyable to me, but it still felt like a job with no passion. Through many conversations with my family and friends, I decided to make use of my diploma in the Early Childhood sector and return to my background children’s education. 



What are you passionate about? How did you discover this passion? 

I love music and have loved it since young. I grew up around music – dancing ballet and jazz, playing the piano and performing in a handbell ensemble. I find music very immersive and therapeutic. I wasn’t very good in expressing myself when I was younger and often struggled finding the right words to say, but I somehow always managed to find a song that helped me portray the feelings brewing inside of me, which led me to pick up the guitar. I’m passionate about music because I truly believe that it can save lives. 


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What do you enjoy most about sailing / going out to sea? 

I enjoy riding the waves. When they are nice and calm, it’s peaceful and tranquil, like laying in a bed and being rocked to sleep. When it becomes treacherous, it feels like a roller coaster and gets my adrenaline pumping, and do I love the thrill!  


Can you share with us your philosophy in life / a quote you live by? 

“Live in the moment.”


Was our sunset cruise your first experience out at sea? Have you gone sailing on other occasions? If yes, please share with us more about your other sailing experiences! 

I’ve been sailing on cruises like Virgo and Genting Dream. My experience is as you would expect – full of food, packed with activities, and watching back to back performances. They are no doubt great experiences, but they are experiences already available on land. The sunset cruise is unique because it is sailing on a smaller scale in a more intimate setting, which makes it more authentic.  


Have you made any friends through the sunset cruise, and do you remember / keep in touch with any of them?

I happened to be on the sunset cruise when I met this girl named Fiona. She was fun and easy to talk to. By the end of the cruise, we had followed each other’s Instagram accounts to keep in touch. From there, we slowly discovered that we have a common interest – playing mahjong! Now, we meet up for mahjong sessions whenever we’re free. 


What is something you’d like to pursue in future, and why? (a hobby, a skill, etc) 

I’d love to pursue cooking and baking. People who know me would fear for their lives when they see me in a kitchen haha. But in the little opportunities that I actually get to do it, I thoroughly enjoy myself. It relaxes me, and the best part is, it fills my tummy too!


Where is your favourite destination, and why? 

Singapore is my favourite destination. I used to dream about migrating when I was younger because I felt that Singapore was very boring. However, over the years, I started to appreciate the familiarity and sense of belonging here. Now, I can never imagine myself living anywhere but here. After all, Singapore is the ultimate food paradise. 😊


If you can have any superpower, what would it be and why? 

If I can have any superpower, I would like to be able to grant wishes. I feel very happy when I see people achieve dreams and goals that they want to achieve, which is why my favourite part of every movie is the ending. That’s when couples finally get together, families reunite, and characters that started out in bad situations find their happy endings. It always brings tears to my eyes. 

What kind of people would you most like to be connected with?

I’m happy to connect with open-minded people who are open to share about their passions. People who are looking to play a game of mahjong are welcome too! 😉


If you’d like to connect with Jolie, you can reach her via her public Instagram account @snippetswjo, our Friends of Ximula Sail Facebook Group, or just drop us a message!

Friends of Ximula Sail is our community of members who have joined us on our Open Sunset Cruises. Through these cruises, we are lucky to have met with people from all walks of life, many of which we wouldn’t have had the fortune to meet, if not for this platform. These happy sailors came with many interesting stories and passions, and we thought how awesome it would be to share some of them with everyone - hence this series of Featured Friends of Ximula Sail!


Here’re our upcoming cruise dates if you’ve been inspired:


Or read our previous feature: