Sailing Movies not to be missed!
Hey sailors!
How is everyone doing? We hope you guys are still flourishing, and staying resilient amidst the pandemic!
While we’re all working from home, we thought of putting together a list of sailing related film recommendations from our team, to keep you entertained during this almost-lockdown period.
Each movie/documentary/series is a personal recommendation from our skippers and crew, and trust us they’re worth a watch. :D
For the oldie but goldie / curious adventurer
In the Heart of the Sea
Available on Netflix :
Movie Synopsis : In this true tale (which inspired "Moby Dick"), a New England whaling crew wages a desperate battle to survive when a giant whale capsized their ship.
What our team has to say about this movie:
From Faris, Skipper
Modern movies set on a boat like this aren’t really seen often. Cinematic -whoever did the visual effects created an engaging tale that looks absolutely gorgeous. Lastly, the casts were made up of some of my favourite people.
How realistic? Definitely rung a few bells. From upsetting your loved ones prior to leaving them, to the first sight of your crew, and all the way to plotting the boat position in the effort to keep her on course. I have accumulated a few years out at sea so the experience of leaving home for awhile to getting caught in the storm surely walks me down memory lane. Not forgetting all the sailing jargon they used especially right after casting off. I feel like I belong there, right in the movie.
My favourite scene is definitely the part when they were setting sail and 1st mate Owen Chase shouted orders only to be echoed fiercely by the crew. There was a part where he climbed up the mast to release the head sail that was caught somewhere. Speaking of 1st mate leading by example, aye!
From Alonza, Trainee
The plot is very engaging in a sense that it’s full of surprises. Very deep meaning as it shows the canal self of the ambition & desperation of a man out at sea - how the main lead survive the many challenges and lived to tell the tale.
The movie reflects the unpredictability out at sea. It also clearly demonstrates that in times of difficulty, in order to survive we have to be mentally strong to overcome the challenges. I can definitely relate to this movie - in life, there are many challenges and obstacles, and we have what it takes to overcome, push forward and not give up.
Available on Netflix :
Movie Synopsis : A young couple’s sailing adventure becomes a fight to survive when their yacht faces a catastrophic hurricane in this story based on true events.
From Minqi, Business Development & Crew
This movie hits home very hard, when you know how real this story is, and how many people you actually know who are on such a sailing journey and could one day be taken by the sea. It feels even more relatable after we have encountered thunderstorms that are scary enough by the coast, let alone in the middle of the Pacific. The movie also includes many thoughts and emotions that I'm sure resonate with many sailors at heart, like this conversation:
Tami: “So how's it like, sailing out there all alone?”
Richard: “Miserable. You're either sun burnt, sleep deprived, or seasick, and after a few days there's hallucinations.”
Tami: “Then why do you do it?”
Richard: “It's a feeling, it's intense. It's just you and the infinite horizon.”That's right. To me, this indescribable intense feeling is the sense of being so free in this vast open space, and the sense of being so small in this massive ocean. The sense that you're so insignificant yet a part of this beautiful world, this world beyond you, this world so much bigger than you, so there is no need to control anything, or be affected by anything, because you can still move along on your journey, there is always somewhere to go, somewhere to lose yourself or to find yourself.
This movie is 100% realistic; I felt it did justice to the true story. As much as some viewers may find it quite dreary without much happening, it showcases the thought process of a survivor using her wits and mental strength to push herself to live on despite the odds.
To non-sailors, the thought of being hit by a storm means it's the end. To sailors, we know that being hit by a storm is just part and parcel of sailing, and there is always a way to pull through it.
There is a plot twist in the movie, which would be a spoiler if I describe it. The scene was a really emotional moment which made me realize that what we experience mentally can be a lot more overwhelming than what we experience physically.
For those into thriller, crime and investigation
Captain Phillip
Available on Netflix :
Movie Synopsis : Four Somali pirates hijack a cargo ship and hold the Captain hostage, setting the stage for an explosive confrontation with the U.S. Navy.
From Vanessa, Sales/Marketing & Crew
During many of our charters, clients would always approach us and ask about piracy - whether or not it still exists, and if the threat is prominent in Singapore. We’d always answer them to say pirates are not interested in small boats like ours, since we do not carry a lot of valuables (and also because our boat travels relatively slowly). Instead, they’d probably go for bigger cargo ships, like the once we see anchored in our waters everyday. I believe this movie is a very good portrayal of what it’d be like, if a ship is ever hijacked.
The movie was very realistic to me, the emotions that were played out in the movie really kept me on my toes. The scene that made the most impact on me was the final scene… which I shall not spoil (it’s a super emotional scene).
From Shawn, Skipper
I recommend this film because it truly represent the actual real-life risk which all seafarers go through, especially in the stretch of waters near Somalia. The movie also brought to the audience the emotional attachment of all the seafarers towards their family members, which are constantly waiting for their safe return from their sea voyage.
The movie is also very realistic, it was well set up to represent everything that a sailor would go through if there is a pirate attack. Even though it is realistic, I think I am lucky enough that I would never get the chance to be faced with such a situation.
My favourite scene in the film was the part where the captain knew everyone was f**ked when the pirates mounted their ladder on to the ship. He made all the right moves to protect all this crew members… but you have to watch on to see how things play out!
for documentary lovers:
Available on Amazon Prime :
Movie Synopsis : 14-year-old Laura Dekker sets out on aa two-years voyage pursuit of her dream to be the youngest person to ever sail around the world alone. After a year-long battle with the authorities, Laura now finds herself exploring the world in search of freedom.
What our crew has to say about it:
From Hansen, Yacht Care Services Crew
Highly recommend this movie if you’re looking to see sailing from the point of view of a sailor. The toughness and perseverance of oneself to achieve what seems difficult - but with the correct attitude and mindset, nothing is impossible. Everything in the movie is wonderful. The sun, the sand and the sea. Wouldn’t want to let the cat out of the bag. Watch it yourself and find out!
Another highly raved documentary:
Available on Netflix :
Movie Synopsis : Passionate about ocean life, a filmmaker sets out to document the harm that humans do to marine species - and uncover alarming global corruption.
what our crew has to say about it:
From Minqi, Business Development & Crew
Although I don't agree with the documentary's conclusion about not eating fish, I think the film gives a really thought-provoking overview of what has happened to our oceans and the environment over the years. It is really eye-opening as it gives us an insight into the secrets of the commercial fishing industries that we would otherwise not know about because it's so well hidden due to political and industrial powers. I learned a lot about how the fish we eat are caught, how we need to question the source of our food, and how much more work we need to do more than use less plastics or pick up trash from the sea.
Even though the show is not exactly about sailing, but it's about protecting the oceans we sail in and enjoy.
The scene that left the greatest impression on me was where they documented the whaling industry, and showed a scene of a brutal whale hunt. It was very difficult to watch.
for the whole family:
Available on Disney Plus :
Movie Synopsis : Moana sets sails on a daring mission to save her people. Along the way, she met with demigod Maui - together, they crossed the ocean in a fun filled, action packed voyage.
what our crew has to say about it:
From K, Deckhand
Moana is a great movie for the family, and I really enjoy the fun storyline! I can also relate to this movie as it shows filial piety and love to parents.
I feel that the values shown in the movie are quite true to a sailor - braving the unknown, learning about the elements and facing obstacles, and mastering the art of sailing. All part of a sailor’s journey!
My favourite character is Maui, the shape-shifting demigod! I really like how he can turn himself into a bird / shark with the help of magical giant fishhook!
The movie has displayed, through the character Moana, the fighting and never-giving-up spirit of young people. It is an adventurous, beautiful, touching, inspiring and empowering film, which is a great family movie for all to enjoy! Some of the values that we hold close, such as passion for the ocean, the spirit of exploration, and determination, are displayed by the main character, Moana, in the movie.
Although not the focus, the movie also shows the sacrifice of precious time with family and friends that we have to give up in order to be out in the at sea, which is something that is very prominent amongst fellow seafarers.
The part which I liked most about the movie is after Moana met Maui, and their epic journey to save Te Fiti (if you don’t know who that is, its time you watch the movie!)
For the love of reality tv
Below Deck (M18)
what our crew has to say about it:
From Vanessa, Sales / Marketing & Crew
This show came as a recommendation from a friend who knew I was in the yachting industry! He told me that it shed some insights to how our work was like. After watching a few episodes, the show feels like the luxury yachting version of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. It’s filled with LOTS of drama, just how I like a reality TV to be haha. However, I feel like this is not a show that you’d like to watch from one season to another, as the culture portrayed in the movie is quite toxic. Good for times when you’ve had a bad day though!
I feel like even though this is probably the exaggerated version of yachting, there are some situations where it is quite similar to smaller yachts like ours (especially the service side). My favourite part is always where the captain and crew confront each other.
Also, I’m forever thankful that our team is never in such chaos haha.
From Shawn, Skipper
In my opinion, Below Deck should be considered a U.S. reality drama. It’s pretty interesting to see what all super yacht crew have to go through to prepare their boat for the up coming season. It is pretty relatable to our job, but we are on a much smaller scale and less drama.
There is a certain level of "realistic". However in my opinion, the show is kind of rigged. I mean whose guests would want to charter a yacht and have a camera pointing at them all the time? Also having a mic taped to their body? Apart from that, the show is highly relatable to our job, as we often would have to go above and beyond to reach the guests’ expectation.
My favourite part is when they received their tips (super huge amount)! Probably what I would earn in a month hahaha. Our guests don’t have how happy they make us when they give us tips.
And there you have it! Do you have any sailing movies to recommend too? Comment below so we can watch them too!
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